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Filipa’s first months at Gapstars Lisbon: Transforming Certscanner’s User Experience!

Filipa working at Gapstars Portugal

A warm welcome at Gapstars Lisbon
I’m super excited to share my experience over my first few months at Gapstars! I was warmly welcomed by my colleagues from the very moment that I walked through the doors, and thanks to their willingness to share their expertise, it was easy for me to adapt to the team.

The challenge at Certscanner

During the first months, I immersed myself in the world of Certscanner, one of Gapstars’ partners. Certscanner provides a revolutionary and collaborative platform to manage certificate cycles in the offshore industry. It’s mainly used by offshore professionals, companies and educational institutes. When I joined Certscanner, I noticed that users were facing difficulties navigating the complex certification management system. They struggled to find important information, track their progress, and effectively communicate with their team members. These challenges resulted in frustration and reduced user engagement.

Crafting an intuitive information architecture

To tackle these challenges, I started by understanding the target users and their specific needs. With the complexity of Certscanner’s feature set in mind, I focused on developing an information architecture that would make it easier for users to navigate the system. I created a clear and intuitive dashboard that provided an overview of the certification process, deadlines, and progress tracking. My goal was to prevent users from feeling overwhelmed and lost while using the platform.

Filipa with CEO Hugo Hemmen

Expected results of the product redesign

It’s great to see that my UX/UI design skills have already helped Certscanner to successfully redesign their product and that I can be of significant value for Certscanner’s growth and success. Designing for SaaS products presents unique challenges and opportunities. The power of effective UX/UI design in driving the success of SaaS products is evident, and I am excited to continue shaping impactful experiences for users in the future.

Close collaboration across the globe

The inclusive and collaborative work environment of Gapstars has given me the opportunity to be successful. Their international orientation and extensive experience with managing teams in different countries has made it easy to work closely with my Gapstars-Certscanner team in Sri Lanka. I’ve had an incredible opportunity to make a real impact, and I’d recommend Gapstars to anyone looking out for a new opportunity. I’m excited to see what my future holds for me here!

Quote Jens Doeksen — CEO Certscanner“The improvements made by Filipa are expected to result in increased user adoption, higher customer retention rates, and positive customer feedback, contributing to the global success of Certscanner. With the collective talent and dedication of our teams in The Netherlands and the Gapstars teams in Portugal & Sri Lanka, I am confident that we will continue to achieve great things together at Certscanner.”

Filipa’s first months at Gapstars Lisbon: Transforming Certscanner’s User Experience! was originally published in Gapstars on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
